DAISY GRENADE is a power punk bubble grunge band that serves a bitter punch with a lip-glossed kiss on the
side. Made up of two sharp yet afflicted young women, they use femininity as a weapon and, with a bit of
sugar to help the medicine go down, they bring you through the pains of being a girl today which is quite
frankly, a grotesque, nightmarish, and dark experience. Due to their vast theatrical background, not only
are they story tellers but they can sing their faces off in a way that’s unexpectedly striking. With Pete
Wentz (as in THE emo prince of our generation) as a mentor and Executive Producer on their first two EPs,
they turned their glittering angst into sickeningly catchy, morbidly worded bubble grunge bops that are
dripping out of a saccharine shell. Now, they’ve joined forces with Public Consumption / DCD2 Records to
re-release an extended version of their sophomore EP, CULT CLASSIC, with two new songs produced by Courtney